October 2, 2024

Model BEGAE-182 Assignment January 2022 Session.

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Section A

I. Answer the following in about 150 words each.

  1. what do you understand by the term non- verbal communication?

Answer: There are many ways to communicate with people. Primarily we can categorize communication into two types verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication is communication by using words. Non-verbal communication is communication without using words. In other words, nonverbal communication is the transfer of information without the use of words. Neither in the written nor in the spoken form. A substantial portion of communication takes place in the form of non-verbal communication. Our facial expressions, eye gaze, gestures, hairstyles, and garments are part of non-verbal communication. Some scholars say that 90 percent of face-to-face communication is conveyed non-verbally.

2. What are the conventions of a conversation? How does it differ from other speech events?

Answer: Interactive communication between two or more people is known as conversation. It is important to follow certain conventions to make a conversation successful. Following are the conventions of conversation.

Be polite and cooperative: It is very important to be polite and cooperative during the time of a conversation. each member of a conversation has to cooperate and respect each other.

Adjacency pairs: In a conversation, there will be a different unit like greeting, question and answer, complimenting, etc.

Opening and closing: This is not a good gesture to open and close a conversation abruptly. we all are non-native speakers of the English language. Therefore it is very important to give more attention to the opening and closing of a conversation. We have to open a conversation with an apt greeting, request, question and answer, statement, and response. In the same way, are not supposed to close a conversation abruptly. Instead, we have to close with a future plan.

Topics development: Topic development is another aspect o conversation. There will be particular strategies for selecting introducing and developing the topic.

Turn-taking: Conversation is the process of involving two or more people. Each participant has to take their opportunity or turn to talk according to the turn-taking norm. Turn-taking norms decide who has to talk, when, how long, etc.

Difference between conversation and other speech events.

The conversation is entirely different from the other speech events. The conversation is a reciprocal one because it is interactive one each participant can contribute their part at a time. They need just waited for their turn. Another speech event like a lecture is nonreciprocal. All participants cannot contribute alike. Adjacency pare is another element that makes conversation different from other speech events. Turn-taking is another element, particularly for the conversation. Each participant can take their own turn according to the turn-taking norm. immediate verbal feedback is possible in the case of a conversation. But in the case of other speech events like lectures, immediate feedback is not possible. The conversation is of an interactive nature and any participants can contribute alike. Another speech event like a lecture is interactive but it is being controlled by the lecture.

3. What is mean by schema theory? How does is it important in understanding the reading process?

Answer: The concept of schema was first used by British psychologist, Fredric Bartlett as a part of a learning theory. The term schema means an active organization of past reactions and experiences. In other words, a schema is a group of past experiences. The Schemata is the plural term for the schema. Schema theory talked about how readers use prior knowledge to comprehend and learn from the text. Background knowledge is one of the prerequisites for understanding a text. In other words, this theory talks about the importance of background knowledge in the reading comprehension process. Schema theory believes that written text or words on the pages themselves don’t make meaning, rather a text-only provides direction for the readers as to how they should retrieve or construct meaning from their own previously acquired knowledge. Reader’s experience or background knowledge helps to reach proper meaning. Interaction between the reader’s background knowledge and the text is necessary for reading comprehension.

4. Discuss any two difficulties that learners of English as a second language are likely to encounter while learning English vocabulary.

Answer: Those who learn English as a second language may face difficulty acquiring command over the language. Therefore it is very most important to give special attention to some areas where non-native speakers find little difficulty. Many non-native speakers face difficulties with English vocabulary. The following are some of the difficulties usually faced by the people who learn English as a second language.

One word with many meanings: There are certain words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings in different contexts such words known as homonyms. It creates confusion in the mind of non-native speakers of the English language. For example, the word club has different meanings in different contexts. a club can be an association of people with common interests. Another meaning is a heavy stick with a thick end, used as a hand weapon. The word club also can mean one of the four suits in a conventional pack of playing cards. Idiomatic Expressions: Idiomatic expressions also create a challenge in front of non-native speakers of the English language. Only an experienced user of the English language can identify the meaning of idioms. The meaning of an idiom is something that is totally different from the sum total of the individual words. The meaning cannot be derived from the individual words and must be learned as a complete unit of meaning. The understanding of the idiom is required slowly, gradually, and with constant contact with the language.

5. What are the four levels of meaning that you need to be aware of as a reader?

Whenever we look at a text we have to be aware of four levels of meaning such as literal, interpretive, critical, and creative. Now let us have look at one by one.

Literal Meaning: The literal meaning of a word is its original or basic meaning. The readers can understand the information directly from the text. The information can be facts and details, sequences of events, main ideas, generalization, causes, and effects. The readers do not have to dig too deeply to get meaning. We should be able to state exactly what the passage is saying, to make sure that we understand it. Literal comprehension is of fundamental importance. It requires a thorough understanding of paragraph, sentence, and word meaning and is required for a higher level of comprehension.

Interpretive Meaning: Interpretive meaning is another level of meaning. in order to get interpretive meaning, we have to read between the lines and recognize ideas and information not directly stated. In doing so the readers have to make inferences. We have to infer time relationships- the year, time of day, and season; geographical relationships; cause and effect relationships; the ages, feeling, and familial relationships of characters if these are not stated explicitly in the text.

Section B

II. 1. You are attending an international conference in your city. you have just met a participant from the USA. Write out a dialogue in 10 turns where both of you get introduced to each other and discuss your expectations from the conference.


James : Hello, my name is James. It’s nice to meet you.
ME     : Hi, I’m James. It is nice to meet you.
James : Let me know your good name?
ME : Ramesh.
James : So Ramesh, what are you doing for a living?

ME : I work at a government school teaching English. What do you do for a living?
James : I’m also an English teacher, but am currently out of work.
ME : Sorry to hear that. It has been really nice talking to you.
James : Yes. It is a great pleasure meeting you at this conference.

Me ; How did you know about the conference?

James : A few days back I got an invitation letter from the Indian embassy in the USA. I feel The topic of this conference is very useful for me. Because currently, I pursue my Ph.D. in the same area. Therefore I registered my name at the conference and booked a flight ticket the last week.

Me : How is the conference so far? Is it up to your expectation?

James : Yesterday two sessions were fantastic. During today’s morning session, I feel diverted from the topic. But overall program was good so far. Then let me know your expectation regarding the conference?

Me : Actually, I thought there will be a number of experts from the well-known universities from abroad as mentioned in the program schedule. Unfortunately, many of them canceled their participation due to the covid-19 restriction. Otherwise, the conference would be a fantastic one. I am also like two sessions in yesterday.

James : The topic of the next session seems more interesting let us move on to our seats. Better not to miss any part of it.

Me : It’s been great talking with you. Thank you for sharing your experience. Enjoy the rest of the program.

James ; Thank you.

we update soon…. stay tuned……

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