January 11, 2025

BEGAE-182 Block 03 Reading and Writing Skills.

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BLOCK Introduction.

This block discusses two language skills such as reading and writing. These two skills follow listening and speaking. Unit 01 highlights some strategies used by an ideal reader which help you to develop your reading skills. Apart from that, this Unit also looks at characteristics of reading and levels of meaning in the text. Vocabulary has a significant role in the development of reading skills. Therefore unit 02 highlights different ways to improve your vocabulary. Unit 3 and 4 concentrate only on writing skills.



Reading is the process of deriving meaning from written or printed text. The reading process can be divided into two separate activities- reading for meaning and reading aloud.

Reading Aloud.

Reading aloud helps to improve our pronunciation and encourages speaking with appropriate feelings and emotions. The purpose behind loud reading is not just to understand the text but to convey the information to someone else who has no access to it. Reading is a much more difficult task than reading silently. Because while reading aloud our attention has divided between reading and speaking. Moreover often we make mistakes even when reading in our language. Reading aloud is much more difficult in another language. Apart from that loud reading may affect comprehension or understanding of the text which we read.

Reading for Meaning.

Reading for meaning is on other hand. Usually, we read for meaning when we read books, newspapers, road signs, posters, etc. Reading for meaning is an act of looking at a text and understanding or comprehending the meaning that the author wants to convey.

Another important aspect of reading for meaning is that we do not need to read every letter or word in every sentence. Because we can guess the meaning by looking at some words in the sentences. No need to go through each and every word in sentences.

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