January 11, 2025

MEG 5 Question paper December 2022

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Note : Answer question no. 1 and any four of the remaining questions. Each question carries 20 mark

  1. Write short notes on any two of the following in
    around 200 words each: 10+10
    (a) Roman Jakobson
    (b) Michel Foucault
    (c) Northrop Frye
    (d) Critical Theory
    (e) Dhvani
  2. Attempt a critique of the role of dance in ancient Greek theatre.
  3. What effect did the Romantic stress on individuality and spontaneity of expression have on their choice of poetic forms? 20
  4. What do you understand by ‘‘Intentional Fallacy’’ ? 20
  5. Discuss the problems faced by feminist theories using Kamala Das’ ‘An Introduction’. 20
  6. Analyse the limitations of deconstruction as a method of critical inquiry. 20
  7. How do you think postmodernism differs from modernism? 20
  8. Do you think Foucault’s views on discourse and power influenced Said’s Orientalism? 20

MEG 5 Literary Criticism and Theory pdf download

MEG 5- Literary Criticism and TheoryDecember 2022Download
MEG 5 Literary Criticism and Theory Question Paper December 2022

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