March 6, 2025

BEGC 106 Important Questions.

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Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words each.

  1. Graphic Novels
  2. Young Adult Fiction
  3. Bildungsroman.
  4. Queerness and Self-identity.
  5. Crime Fiction.
  6. Hard-Boiled Novels
  7. Mah Jong
  8. Utopia and Science Fiction.


  1. Define children’s literature. Trace its development.
  2. Differences between Realistic Novels and Fantasy Novels. Discuss.
  3. Explain the significance of the motif of chess in Through the Looking-Glass.
  4. The language in Through the Looking Glass. Discuss.


  1. What are the key elements of a bildungsroman? Comment on Funny Boy as a bildungsroman novel
  2. Discuss the Genres of Children’s Literature.
  3. Comment on gender and sexuality in Funny Boy.
  4. Define Detective Fiction. Explain different types of Detective Fiction.
  5. Critically comment on the narrative technique used by Agatha Christie in the Murder of Roger Ackroyd.
  6. Define Science Fiction and trace the history of Science Fiction.
  7. Describe the short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas from a feminist perspective or the postmodern turn of the counterculture.

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