February 18, 2025

BCOC-135 Previous Question Paper.

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Name of Examination: Term-end Examination

Course Code: BCOC-135

Course Name: : COMPANY LAW

Time: 3 Hours.

Marks: 100

BCOC- 135 : COMPANY LAW Question papers



About the BCOC-135 Question Paper

BCOC Company Law is one of the courses prescribed for the Bachelor of Commerce Students at Indira Gandhi National Open University. The time allotted for the examination is three hours and the maximum mark that can be scored is 100. The question paper will be in both Hindi and English languages. In the BCOC-135 question paper, there will be nine questions, out of nine you have to attend any five. It means you have options there.

The distribution of the marks varies based on the questions. Therefore before, you write the answer care about the allotted marks. In some questions, there will a set of questions that contains two. For Example, question one contains two questions, each question carries 10 Marks. In total, you have to write five questions, each question carries 20 marks.

BCOC-135 Important Questions.

  1. Describe the main characteristics of a company.
  2. Explain the requisites of a valid meeting.
  3. Explain the ‘doctrine of indoor management. Are there any exceptions to it? Discuss.
  4. What are illegal associations? What are the consequences of forming such associations ?

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