September 29, 2024

The Birth of Writing and Its Importance

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The beginning of writing can be traced back to early humans who needed to communicate important information. For example, if a man saw a wild boar and had to leave suddenly to chase or hunt it, he needed a way to tell his family. This led to the first cave drawings, which evolved into ideographs and later into alphabets that could represent human speech sounds.

Writing, defined as a system of human communication through visible conventional markings, began about six thousand years ago in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Early writing included carvings on clay tablets known as ‘cuneiforms’. Over time, people developed materials like parchment, birch-bark, and paper to improve writing.

If we imagine the entire history of humans as a 50-year timeline, writing has existed only in the last year. Despite its short history, writing has greatly advanced human civilization. Writing allows us to document and share knowledge, leading to progress.

Writing is important because it enables us to understand our past, learn about different cultures, and connect with others. The urge to write comes from a need to communicate thoughts and feelings. As T.S. Eliot said, writing helps to release internal thoughts. Writing also meets social needs when we write for others, like in novels or short stories, creating bonds between people.

Short Note: Origin and Importance of Writing

Early Communication

  • Early humans communicated important information through cave drawings.
  • Example: A man needing to inform his family about chasing a wild boar.

Evolution of Writing

  • Cave drawings evolved into ideographs.
  • Alphabets were developed to represent human speech sounds.

Definition and Genesis

  • Writing: A system of human communication through visible conventional markings.
  • Started about six thousand years ago in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Early Writing Materials

  • Clay tablets (cuneiforms)
  • Parchment
  • Birch-bark
  • Paper

Writing’s Time-Scale

  • Writing has existed for a short period in human history.
  • Significant advancements in civilization due to writing.

Importance of Writing

  • Allows documentation and sharing of knowledge.
  • Essential for communication and progress.

Psychological and Social Needs

  • Writing as a means of expression and communication.
  • T.S. Eliot: Writing helps release internal thoughts.
  • Creates bonds through stories and novels.


  • Writing is crucial for understanding our past, learning about cultures, and connecting with others.
  • Writing has greatly advanced human civilization.

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